Endrey Rodríguez Iglesias is a 24-year-old multi-style artist based in Spain, originally from Caracas, Venezuela. Inspired by her mother’s paintings, she embarked on her art Odyssey at a very young age, starting to attend art school at the age of eight. Endrey starts signing her paintings with the acronym E.R.I. that stands for her initials. 

As time passed, a deep fascination about modern artists such as Picasso and Pollock sparked in her, which introduced her to a whole new abstract world. Through abstract art, she achieves to connect with her inner self in order to create something that nobody ever before has created, unique and unrepeatable pieces of art where the purest expression of her personality can be found.

She has participated in both national and international collective exhibitions and her works are located mainly in collections in Greece, Netherlands, Venezuela and Spain.

About EriartWork